Pranitha Fielder, currently Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church’s pastor for youth and young adult ministries, will be ordained this Saturday, Dec. 13 at 1:30pm. The service will be conducted at the church, located at 7700 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, Md. Beginning Jan. 1, Fielder will transition into Sligo’s associate role of Pastor of Discipleship and Congregational Care.
Fielder was born in India to Jaya and Jasmine Pilli. As the oldest of three, Pranitha moved to the United States in 1992. She was 14 years old and attending Takoma Academy when she gave her life to Jesus Christ and felt called to ministry. In 2002, she was asked by Pastor Terry Johnson to be a youth leader at Sligo church. Fielder spent the next five years working there in various capacities, including youth ministry, church office and New Community Fellowship.
Upon graduating from Columbia Union College in 2007 with a Bachelor of Theology, Pranitha was sponsored by the Potomac Conference to pursue her Master of Divinity at Andrews Theological Seminary. During her first week of seminary she met Kelan Fielder. They would eventually date and marry during their time in Michigan. Upon completing their MDivs, both were called back to their respective conferences in Maryland to begin their pastoral ministries. Fielder was asked to return to Sligo as pastor for youth and young adult ministries while Kelan was asked by the Allegheny East Conference to join Brinklow SDA Church.
Pranitha is looking forward to her new appointment at Sligo as the Pastor for Discipleship and Congregational Care and is thankful for the support the church has given her for the last 13 years as she developed and grown in ministry.