On March 26, 2015 the Potomac Conference Corporation formed the Takoma Park Adventist Education Planning Commission, where leaders of three Takoma Park-based (Md.) Seventh-day Adventist schools — John Nevins Andrews, Sligo Adventist and Takoma Academy — are exploring the possibility of creating a new model of education for Pre k – 12th grade.
A steering committee, comprised of the leadership of each participating school, is working to explore and design proposals for further consideration. Such a plan will take time, research and resources and require the approval of the governing bodies of all involved schools and their constituent churches. To date, participants have developed a statement that articulates their vision for the steering committee’s work: To create an innovative model of Adventist education that provides a holistic learning experience, nurtures faith, develops character and promotes academic excellence from Pre k – 12th grade.
Meanwhile, all the schools are focusing on proceeding with their existing plans for the 2015-16 school year. As plans progress, we will share more information. Inquiries and suggestions may be directed to Keith Hallam, Vice President for Education, at keithh@pcsda.org
Updates and Presentations
What exactly does this mean? Why is this happening? What is the time frame? Review the documents below to answer all of these questions and find out more information on the Takoma Park Adventist Education Planning Commission.