In millions of homes across the country there has been growing concern because of the uncertainty resulting from the shifts in immigration policy. In an effort to assist in providing some basic resources the Potomac Conference Communications Department has compiled a resource list where you can find information that may be helpful in addressing the concerns of your constituents. This by no means is a comprehensive list but it will provide guidance on where to seek additional information.
Immigration Information
May 11, 2017 ∙ by vmbernard ∙ in Columbia Union News
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Rubén Ramos, the Columbia Union Conference’s vice president for Multilingual Ministries, regularly hears stories of immigrant members afraid of deportation. One local church leader from Alexandria, Va., recently approached him, asking for prayer after her husband, a legal resident of the United States, was arrested and threatened with deportation. Ramos says she was also worried about her status, but said, “If they deport me. I’ll go to El Salvador and plant another church.” Read more
Frequently Asked Questions: This guide is designed to point residents in the right direction and suggest resources. It is not a substitute for legal advice.
Guidelines of Enforcement at Sensitive: This memorandum sets forth Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy regarding certain enforcement actions by ICE officers and agents at or focused on sensitive locations.
Arlington FAQ’s: Recent actions on immigration enforcement at the federal level have understandably created uncertainty in our community. These FAQs seek to address those questions and provide certainty to our residents about their interactions with Arlington County Government agencies and personnel.
Harrisonburg, VA: Through extensive training and experience in the particular dynamics that influence the lives of immigrants and refugees, the agency works diligently to be a leading resource for spiritual, social and economic needs of immigrants in the Shenandoah Valley.
Capitol Area Immigrants’ Coalition: Services include legal representation, education outreach, and advocacy work for immigrants facing deportation.
CARECEN: Latino Resource and Justice Center