Important Program Change
Updated 7/25/19: Verified Volunteers has now changed their name to Sterling Volunteers. We have decided to select a parent name that can remain in our publications and website landing pages on a permanent basis. The name chosen for all our background screening and training needs is now Adventist Screening Verification.
Why a Background Check?
“Church should be a safe place to bring our children. Everyone involved in work with children who are minors must meet all Church and legal standards and requirements” (Church Manual, Edition 18, pp. 168-169).
Who Has to do It?
As part of this effort, those over 18 who are voted to serve within our churches or organizations, and those who are employed by the church and working with children and youth, are asked to complete a criminal background check (FB 20) and child protection training through Sterling Volunteers. This should be completed every three years.
For more information, contact the Vice President for Administration’s office at 540-886-0771 ext. 207 or email.
Sterling Volunteers
Orientation Materials
Training Dates
The Potomac Conference Corporation team is committed to protecting all of our children, by creating safe environments for minors in our schools, churches and events that take place off of our campuses. The safety of our children is a serious issue that each of us, as employees and lay leaders, need to embrace. The conference offers training sessions throughout the year.