The Agape Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church (Silver Spring, Md.) celebrated its organization into church status, August 23. “We felt God’s calling to plant this church,” said pastor Fausto Salazar. “We are filled with great joy as we think back on our journey and see where we are today.”
Four years ago, members like Pepe Davila, Manuel Lainez, and Juan Benitez, along with their families and other members, searched for a place where this new church plant could meet. “During this time, we met Pastor Jonas Joey from the United Methodist Church in Silver Spring, who allowed us to meet in his church,” said Salazar. “He welcomed us and has supported the growth of this loving congregation.”
The organization ceremony was led by the Potomac Conference’s administration team. President Bill Miller presented a message which challenged attendees to proclaim the message of Jesus’ love. Jorge Ramirez, vice president for administration, asked members of the new church to come forward and sign the legal document for church organization.
Pastor Jose Esposito, director for Hispanic ministries, held a special prayer of consecration. The Vice President for Finance, Dave VandeVere, presented the church with a gift of $500. Joey, the Methodist pastor, also received a plaque of recognition. The elders from the mother church, Takoma Park Spanish, also gave a commemorative plaque and everyone in attendance received a special gift as a reminder of this exciting day. The music was provided by Alabanza Pura and Emmanuel; they praised the Creator for His grace and asked for blessings over this new church. Pastor Ruben Ramos ended the service by making a call, to all leaders, to plant new churches. He sealed that challenge with a prayer of blessing.