Welcome! All of the forms listed below must be filled out in order to complete your new hire process. The only exception is the tuition assistance form, which may not apply to you. Additionally, HR will send tax forms for you to complete via DocuSign.
As you are filling out these forms, we ask that you be consistent with how you enter your name. For example, if you use a middle name, initial or suffix for one form, please try to do so consistently on all forms.
New Hire Paperwork for Full-Time Teachers
- New Hire Employee Packet (1)
- New Hire Employee Packet (2)
- Confidential Form, Hepatitis B and Fingerprinting
- Membership Transfer
- Service Record
- Child Protection Program
- Tuition Assistance (if applicable)
- TB Test Paperwork
- Physical Exam Form
- Virginia Department of Social Services (Teachers in Virginia)