Town Hall Meetings take place around the Potomac Conference each year. This is a time that conference administrators share important conference news with members as well as a time for members to bring questions and concerns to administration. We encourage all members to attend these meetings and to share in the mission of what Jesus is doing in the Potomac Conference.
2021 - 2022 Town Hall / Conference Blitz Dates
- November 6, 2021 – VA Southwest area
- January 8, 2022 – DC Hispanic area
- January 29, 2022 – NOVA area
- February 26, 2022 – Tidewater area
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Town Hall Meeting?
This meeting is conducted by Potomac administration and staff. It is designed to inform members of what is happening around the conference as well as encourage them with the new s of how the Holy Spirit is moving. It is also a time for members to ask questions and share their concerns.
Who is it for?
These meetings are geared for those who attend churches in specific regions of the conference. During the blitz (taking place in the morning) conference staff will preach in churches within a region of the conference. In the evening, they will gather at one church to hold a Town Hall meeting.
What to expect?
The Town Hall Meeting will start with a short devotional thought, followed by presentations from leaders from various conference departments. A Q&A time will follow after that, in which you can bring any questions or concerns to conference staff.