Potomac Church Live-Streams
Below is a list of churches in the Potomac Conference that provide live streaming and/or have archived services.
Online Church Services
Online Prayer Meeting
- Living Hope
(Daily, 6pm) - Piney Forest Church
(Wednesdays, 7pm) - Solid Rock Church
(Wednesdays, 7:30pm)
Online Morning Devotional
- Bible Boot Camp
Daily, 5 – 5:30am - Solid Rock
M-F, 7:30am
Sabbath School
- Living Hope, 10am
- Seabrook Church, 10am
- Solid Rock Church, 10am
- Greater Than I, 10:15am
(includes kids’ bible studies)
Live-TV and Radio Resources
The Seventh-day Adventist Church provides various ministry outlets for the spiritual development of its members. Click on the ministry logo below to find the one for you.
The Voice of Prophecy exists to proclaim the everlasting gospel of Christ — leading people to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return. Discovery Mountain, an audio adventure series for kids, has captured the imaginations of children around the world.
Through advanced satellite technology, LifeTalk Radio is broadcasting God’s message of love and redemption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Programs, designed to strengthen spiritual life and family values, are shared along with carefully chosen music to transform lives.
It Is Written‘s telecast continues to reach behind closed doors and around the world to touch hearts with the everlasting gospel in 140 countries and 10 languages. Its public evangelism has grown to become one of the strongest outreach programs in the world.
Jesus 101 Biblical Institute offers Biblical training for seekers, church members, lay leaders, and ministers using Christ-centered interpretive tools. The institute develops resources that motivate and equip the study of scripture.
Breath of Life Ministries, presents the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ to all people groups from a contemporary, urban perspective.
Faith for Today was one of the first religious programs on television, and has remained true to its commission – to reach the unchurched.
La Voz de la Esperanza‘s radio program of the same name broadcasts worldwide on more than 1,300 radio stations and its primary television outreach effort, Descubra (Discover), broadcasts weekly to the Spanish-speaking people of the world.
Online Giving
During this time, we encourage you to make use of online giving to ensure God’s work continues strongly. Tithe and offering can be given through the AdventistGiving App or their online platform. Please check with your church’s website or with your local treasurer in case a different online platform is used.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NIV): “Remember this… whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Trust Services and Planned Giving
During this time, leadership in the Stewardship and Planned Giving Department will work remotely / online with constituent members who are establishing their estate plan (Last Will and Testament, Advanced Medical Directives & Power of Attorney for Finances) through this office. Reach out to Tony Reyes or call 540.886.0771 ext. 202 for the following two options:
- Zoom meeting (we will fill the forms via zoom)
- Online platform (pcsda.giftlegacy.com) where each church member can create an account and go through the process at their own pace.
Live-Streaming for the First Time?
From the North American Division: We want our church to come back stronger and more unified from this experience. Normally we talk about how digital technologies are a powerful means to scale up traditional ministry and evangelism, but COVID-19 has pushed the need for digital to be the priority. Below are several resources we think you will find useful to help migrate your worship service and help you build an online community for your church. We’ll keep this page updated as we add more resources.
Copyright Infringement
Watch these videos to be sure you are complying with copyright laws when downloading photos, video clips, and music from the internet.Why Your Church
Why Your Church Should Never Use Copyrighted Material
Is Your Church Violating a Copyright with Jennifer Gray Woods